Space Station 13

Space Station 13 is a community developed, multiplayer round-based role playing game, where players assume the role of a crewmember on a space station. Together they must keep the station running smoothly, whilst dealing with antagonistic forces who threaten to sabotage the mission.

Coronavirus / 13 hours ago Video. Average gas prices are roughly one dollar higher than they were last year Around New York State / 14 hours ago. More Around New York State News Sports. The space station looks like an airplane or a very bright star moving across the sky, except it doesn't have flashing lights or change direction. It will also be moving considerably faster than a typical airplane (airplanes generally fly at about 600 miles per hour; the space station flies at 17,500 miles per hour).

At the beginning of each round, players select a crew member role on the station. These range from high up positions like the captain and heads of staff, to engineers, scientists, medical doctors, security officers, all the way down to the lower responsibility roles such as the janitor and lowly assistant. At round start, one or more players will be given an antagonistic role at random, and a secret objective that’s very likely to cause disruption to the mission at hand.

When the crew aren’t turning on each other through sheer paranoia, they will face various dangers depending on the round: Sleeper agents hell bent on sabotage, shape-shifting aliens, RPG toting syndicate operatives and more. Syberia 3 mac. Not to mention the occupational hazards of working in space, such as decompression, meteor showers, radiation storms, airlock mishaps, rogue AI and catastrophic engine failure.

  • Dynamic Atmospherics System – hull breaches can remove all the oxygen from a room!
  • Fully destructible station- Take it apart piece by piece, or build your own rooms!
  • Chemistry system – Mix chemicals to create medicines, or something explosive
  • Random Events – Dodge meteor showers, solar flares, radiation storms and more.
  • Infinite Replayability – 100%Player driven gameplay, no two rounds will play the same.
  • Frequent updates, new features and bug fixes
  • Powerful admin tools and active admin staff to deal with those ruining the fun
  • In-game Mentor system – Designed to answer any questions a newbie might have
  • It’s Free!
You've stumbled upon the Cheeto-stained archives of information for the various Goonstation editions of Space Station 13. Wikistation 13 is designed to be a hub for Goonstation players' reference needs – be it experienced players in need of a quick reference guide or new players in need of a helping hand through the traumatic first few games. If you'd like to contribute some content of your own, you'll need to log in or register an account if you haven't already done so.
  • You must update to BYOND 514.1557 in order to play!
  • Current maps: Cogmap1, Cogmap2, Destiny, Clarion, Oshan Laboratory, Horizon, Atlas, Manta, Kondaru, Donut 3
  • Hotkeys: Hotkeys and emotes
  • Health: Doctoring & Genetics & Viruses & Chemistry & Chemicals
  • Metallurgy: Mining & Smelting
  • Traitoring: Roles & Murder & Traitor gear
  • Engineering: Engine & Construction
  • Catering: Foods and Drinks & Botany
  • IT: TermOS & ThinkDOS & Hacking

Getting Started






Game Modes






Information About Goonstation

What the hell is this?

This is an information source for the Goonstation branch of Space Station 13, a multiplayer role playing game renowned for its stable and functional engine, its robust combat system, and its polite, cooperative community.

Who runs the joint?

The server was originally an offshoot of Something is Awful dot com, whose residents are collectively referred to as 'goons'. Nowadays, the majority of staff and players are only loosely/very marginally/honestly not at all associated with SA, but that doesn't stop remnants of the past Goon-days culture from cropping up.

Specifically, Wire hosts the server that this game, this wiki, and its associated services all run on. You can chip in on the running costs over at his Patreon.

Where should I be going now?

Slow down, hot stuff! It depends on what you need – the Goonhub displays dynamic information about live games (server population, round time etc) and links directly to the servers, and you can also use the links on the right. Be prepared for adventures BYOND your wildest dreams.

  • Server links:


Space Station 13 Songs

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Space Station 13 40k

Navigation menu

Space Station 13 Colonial Marines