Microsoft Groove Music


| Notice to customers||----- ||Starting Oct 2nd, the onboarding to the Groove Music API is disabled. As part of the partnership, the Groove Music Pass service will be discontinued on December 31, 2017. After that date, Groove Music Pass content will not stream or play and our API features will not be accessible.Please check our FAQ on . All features of the Music API will be supported until Dec 31st.|

Subscribe to the Groove API on Microsoft Developer Center

The following are the minimal steps you need to complete to start experimenting with the API (for more detailed instructions, visit Obtaining a Developer Access Token).

R/groovemusic: The Reddit community for Groove Music, Microsoft's subscription based music service. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tips & troubleshooting. Add music to Groove on Windows 10 PC. How to add your music to OneDrive. Create or edit a playlist in Groove on Windows 10. Troubleshoot the Groove Music Player on Windows 10. Aug 10, 2015 Groove uses the album art stored within the IDv3 tag instead. Now if you have a large music collection separated into folders with folder.jpg files, then I'd recommend using a tool like the excellent (and free) Mp3tag to batch write the album art into each file's tag.

  1. Visit Click on sign-in.
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft account or create a Microsoft account if you don't already have one.
  3. On, click the Sign up link or visit
  4. Fill in the correct details about you carefully - we'll need your valid email address to contact you.
  5. Read the Terms Of Use and accept them. Then click on Subscribe to Groove Music API Program.

You are now a member of the Groove Music API Program!You will now need to associate Applications to your account.

Register and associate a Microsoft Account application

Create an application

To register your app to connect with Groove, you'll need a Microsoft account.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Application Registration Portal
  2. When prompted, sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.
  3. Find My applications and click Add an app.
  4. Enter your app's name and click Create application.
  5. Create a password (aka client sercret) for your aplication, it will be used to generate auth tokens.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the Live SDK support box.
Microsoft groove music logo

After you've completed these steps, an application ID is created for your app and displayed on your new app's properties page.

Important Treat the value of client secret the same as you would a user's password. The secret represents the key to your application and, if made available, can be used to impersonate your application.

Under the Platforms header, configure details about your app. By default a new app is created as a web app and needs one or more redirect URIs. To enable native client flows for your app as well, click the Add Platform button and choose Mobile.

What Is Microsoft Groove Music

Microsoft Groove Music

Allow this application to access Groove Music API

  1. When signed-in to the developer center, on, click the Sign up link or visit
  2. Follow the instructions on the page. You'll need to obtain an authentication token (see below)
  3. Enter the obtained authentication token in the field (ie: EgBtAQMAAAAEgA9BCG...c1Ni05YTNwA=) and click on Register.
  4. You can register up to 16 apps. You can manage them on this page.

Getting an authentication token

The request consists of a form encoded POST call to with parameters:

Microsoft Groove Music Tutorials

Parameter nameValueDescription
grant_typestringUse 'client' as value for application token authentication.
client_idstringYour Application ID as displayed on your application page on the Microsoft Application Registration Portal
client_secretstringYour Application Secret as displayed on your application page on the Microsoft Application Registration Portal. The value needs to be URL encoded.
scopestringThe scope your application requires. For application access to the Groove API the scope is ''

If the application id and secret values are correct, the service willreply with a JSON object containing the token type, the access token'svalue and an expiry delay.

The resulting application access token can then be used in applicationcalls using the OAuth 2.0 bearer authorization method.

Note that tokens expire. Applications should take token expiry intoaccount and reauthenticate before access token expiry.

Important: Treat the value of access_token in this response assecurely as you would a user's password.

#####Using Powershell on Windows:#####

#####Using curl:#####

#####Using wget:#####

Start using our API

You can now copy and paste your preferred sample code from below (C#, Windows Runtime or PHP) to start querying the API for Music data.

####For example:####


Windows Runtime


See also

49,723 downloadsUpdated: June 25, 2021Ad-supported

A useful helper for all users who want to manage their music collection and play their favorite songs stored on the PC, in iTunes, or in OneDrive

Ever since Windows 8 arrived and brought about some important changes in many respects for Microsoft's proprietary operating system, all eyes were on the newly born apps and their Store, especially since a handful of those applications came with the OS.

Windows evolved to 8.1 and later on, Windows 10, and many of the utilities did the same, particularly those developed by the Redmond-based corporation. Among them, one of the more popular apps, Groove Music, formerly known as Xbox Music, is trying to deliver its users all the content they need when it comes to songs, albums and performing artists.

Listen to locally stored music

The interactive app aims to serve as both a music player and a content manager, combining both in an attractive interface. Groove Music can collect automatically all the tracks stored in the default Music folders, and it allows you to specify custom locations as well.

The player is intuitive and, no matter the section you are browsing, it doesn't disappear from the lower side of the interface. As such, you can always get a glimpse at the song name, pause it, jump to the next or the previous track, activate shuffling or playlist repeat, and control the volume.

Create playlists and organize your music

The software comes with support for playlists, including those generated in iTunes, so if you want to add your music this way, simply use the 'Import playlists' function. Just as well you can save the currently playing tunes into a new list and have it displayed in the left pane for quick access.

Organizing your music collection requires nothing more than you adding the music in the playlists. Groove Music automatically extracts information regarding albums, artists, and song names, placing the titles in the designated areas.

An overall good, but limited music player

With a few of the old features of Xbox Music gone and new features in the spotlight, Groove Music is, on the whole, a good music player with simple playback control, and a reliable audio collection manager. Nevertheless, the rather limited set of features it carries makes it more suitable for basic tasks.

Filed under

Groove Music was reviewed by Olivian Puha
  • Groove music pass subscribers get access to the online music catalog (a 30-day trial is available, but credit card information is required to activate it)

Microsoft Groove Music Player

  • Internet connection
New in Groove Music 10.18112.10711.0:
  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Please note, not all features are available in all markets

Microsoft Groove Music Download

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Groove Music 10.21016.10121.0

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