Exe Decompiler Online

Informatie (ENG) Exe2Aut is designed to be the easiest to use and most versatile decompiler for compiled AutoIt3 scripts one could think of. Simply drag and drop the executable onto Exe2Aut’s main window and the source script will be displayed. Unlike the decompiler that’s being shipped with AutoIt3, Exe2Aut is even capable of decompiling. Specify the path to the idaw executable in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.tool.idaPro.path, e.g. C: IDA68 idaw.exe. Set preference to idaPro (experimental Windows Only) in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.default.decompiler.selected. 5 simple steps to make your EA is really your. 1 Fill in the ORDER FORM and don't forget to attach your EA. 2 Wait for a response from our expert about the possibility to decompile it. 3 Pay your order (the amount you know from the response) 4 Download your EA in the.MQ4 format. 5 Edit EA and remove all restrictions (we would like to help you. VB Decompiler Lite is a Visual Basic decompiler and.NET disassembler aimed at analyzing code at fast speed. It includes a powerful engine that decodes instructions to possible Visual Basic commands, allowing you to reconstruct your projects. There are many situations that require the use of such a tool, ranging from misplaced source code to. DotPeek is a free-of-charge.NET decompiler and Assembly Browser from JetBrains. Download and install the dotPeek from here. Open the dotPeek and choose any assembly I have chosen System.Data.dll. Right-click on and choose – Go to Implementation (Ctrl+F12), You can also extract the source code from it.

VB Decompiler


VB Decompiler is a decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL, or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0. As you know, a VB program can be compiled either into interpreted p-code or into native code.

Since p-code consists of high-level commands, it's possible to decompile it into source code (though, of course, you won't get the names of variables, functions, etc.). VB Decompiler can restore many p-code instructions. It cannot produce compilable source code but makes it much easier to analyze the program's algorithm and partially restore its source code.

If some program was compiled into native code, you cannot restore the source code from machine instructions. But even in this situation, VB decompiler can greatly help you analyze the program, thanks to a powerful disassembler that supports Pentium Pro commands, including MMX and SSE. VB decompiler lets you to disassemble all functions. It includes a code analyzer too, which searches for all API function calls and string references in the disassembled code and converts them into comments for analyzed strings. In general, VB Decompiler is an ideal tool for analyzing VB programs. It's a must-have if you've lost some source code and need to partially restore your project!

Delphi exe decompiler onlineDecompiler

Decompile Exe Online C#


Exe Decompiler Online Converter

[ 🌐 📩 🔥 ]

Let's be honest, there is no reason to remember how to decompile stuff with the various tools available. Wouldn't it be nice to just decompile the $h*! out of things right off the fingertips in Visual Studio Code? Well, here we go:

This extension decompiles ...

  • Binary executables for various platforms
    • as supported by Ghidra; Windows PE, Linux ELF, IOS, etc..
    • or IDAPro (Experimental, Windows Only for now)
  • Java Jar archives and compiled Classes
  • Android APK's
  • Python .pyc and .pyo
  • Ethereum/EVM based Smart Contracts
    • (Experimental, Linux/MacOs only)

Just right-click → Decompile on a supported executable and wait for the magic to happen.

The decompilation result is added to a temporary sub-workspace. You can right-click → Download files to your local file-system right from the sub-workspace.

Have phun 🙌



Windows (Ghidra vs. IDAPro)

Ethereum Smart Contract

Save the EVM byte-code in a file with extension .evm, then right-click → Decompile.


Requirements: General
  • Requires Java (11+) to be installed system-wide. Just install the latest JRE/JDK for your OS (e.g. OpenJDK, Oracle JDK).
  • Other tools are bundled with the extension. Just make sure Java is available in your PATH.
Requirements: Binary executables (Ghidra / IDA Pro)
  • Requires a working installation of Ghidra (← Download) to decompile executables
    • either available in PATH (like when you install it with brew cask install ghidra on os-x; or set-up manually)
    • otherwise please specify the path to the executable <ghidra>/support/analyzeHeadless in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.tool.ghidra.path and make sure that the analyzeHeadless script runs without errors (and is not prompting for the JDK Home 🤓). Here's a sample Ghidra config for Windows:
  • (Experimental; Windows Only) Optional a licensed version of IDA Pro with decompiler support.
    • specify the path to the idaw executable in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.tool.idaPro.path, e.g. c:IDA68idaw.exe.
    • set preference to idaPro (experimental Windows Only) in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.default.decompiler.selected.
    • we'll automatically try to run 32 and 64bits idaw on the target application (preference on what executable is configured by you)
    • If you're running <= IDA Pro 6.6 and the normal IDA decompilation mode does not work you can try the set preference to idaPro legacy hexx-plugin (experimental Windows Only) in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.default.decompiler.selected. Note: Use this method only if the normal IDA Pro mode doesnt work. Caveat: idaw*.exe must not be in a path that contains spaces, ask @microsoft why 😉.
Requirements: Python
  • Python decompilation requires pip3 install uncompyle6 (see settings)
    • specify the uncompyle6 script location in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.tool.uncompyle.path or set to uncompyle6 if it is available in PATH
Requirements: Smart Contracts (EVM byte-code)
  • The pseudocode generator panoramix/eveem requires a working installation of python3.8 or newer.
    • specify the python3.8 path in code → preferences → settings: vscode-decompiler.tool.python38.path (e.g. /usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin/python3.8 (macos/homebrew))
    • make sure pip for python3.8 is installed
    • install panoramix dependencies: $ /usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin/python3.8 -m pip install coloredlogs requests web3 timeout_decorator
  • Note: Panoramix is run in local mode. EVM byte-code is not sent to eveem.org.
    • It will attempt to download a function signature database on first load.
    • It will cache files to <userhome>/.panoramix.
  • No Windows support :/ (see this issue).
Setting tool preferences

code → preferences → settings:

  • Set default decompiler preference to ghidra (default) or idaPro (experimental Windows Only) (requires a licensed version of IDAPro + Decompiler)
    • vscode-decompiler.default.decompiler.selected
  • Set preference for java decompilation to JADX or JD-CLI (default)
    • vscode-decompiler.java.decompiler.selected
  • Set preference for android apk decompilation to dex2jar + jd-cli (slow) or JADx (default)
    • vscode-decompiler.apk.decompiler.selected'

Troubleshooting & FAQ

  • (macOs) 'macOs cannot verify the developer of 'decompiler' ...
    • Follow the fix outline in https://support.apple.com/en-za/guide/mac-help/mh40616/mac.
    • Verify that you've downloaded ghidra from the original website, verify checksums. Note: you're running an NSA tool on your computer, just saying.
    • Open the <ghidra-install-folder>/Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/os/osx64 in finder, Ctrl+mouseClick on decompileopen (you only need to do this one time).


This extension wouldn't be possible without the smarties that are developing the following reverse-engineering tools:

  • Ghidra by @NSA/CSS
  • JadX by @skylot
  • JD-CLI by @Josef Cacek
  • dex2Jar by @Bob Pan
  • python-uncompyle6 by @R. Bernstein
  • panoramix the engine behind eveem.org created by @Tomasz Kolinko
  • LogoMakr (CC; Logo)

Release Notes