Emoji For Outlook Email Subject Line

Learn more about how to use an emoji in your email subject line.

Email emoji and symbols have made their way into mainstream email marketing. Learn why they are important and how to use them in your email subject lines. This post will show you how to use emoji icons and symbols in email subject lines following the latest best practices + what experts say.

The subject line is one of the most important features of your email. It's like the title on a book cover, or even the book cover itself - it needs to encourage your recipient to take a closer look. Your mail is competing with a lot of other emails in the inbox, so consider adding an emoji to help jazz things up.

We added a new tool for senders that will help them achieve that. You can now easily add emojis to email subject line.

Not sure what an emoji is? No problem - an emoji is just a graphical smiley or icon representing some item or emotion. It fits nicely into a subject line and can help you highlight content. Do you want to advertise party products? Add balloons icons! Do you have a special Easter sale? Try out a cute bunny. Your imagination is your only limit. Emojis are a great way to express and incite emotion and interest. They also make your messages stand out in the inbox.

How to add an emoji to email subject line?

Emoji For Outlook Email Subject Lines

It's easy. When you create your campaign from the Dashboard, go to the Subject field and click the smiley icon on the right-hand side. This will open the emoji menu. From there just select icon you like and add it.

You can have multiple emojis – but try to not overwhelm your recipient with them – too many graphic elements can make your subject unreadable or too silly.

Remember to test emails before sending.

Always test your emails before launching your campaign. Each mail client may display emojis differently – and something that appeared attractive on your preview screen may look underwhelming on recipient inbox.

Emoji For Outlook Email Subject Line

Be careful about replacing words with emojis – if a mail client does not support your icon, users may get confused when they receive an incomplete or incorrect subject line.

And if you have some questions about using emojis, our Support Team is ready to help you anytime.

08-18-2010, 05:57 AM
Hey guys
I am trying to solve this problem using QTP where i need to make sure that an email is generated every time i do a successful registration on my product
So the business life cycle is something like this
1. Register on the product
2. An email is generated which i am sending to outlook
Expected result
1. An email is generated on a successful registration ( This email is in a sub folder of my inbox like Notifications_test)
2. If possible do any further validation on the To address field and the body of the email with the template it is supposed to send

Emoji For Outlook Subject Line

Can somebody help?
Till now i have
Emoji for outlook email subject lines
Set olapp = createobject('outlook.application')
set inbox = olapp.getnamespace('mapi').folders
for each fold in inbox
msgbox fold.name
msgbox Notifications_Test.count
sub getunreadmails(objfolder)
'sub getunreadmails(Notifications_Test)
set col = objfolder.items
for each mail in col
If mail.subject = '[IUSR] Validation Instructions[x@y.com]' then
msgbox mail.subject
msgbox mail.sendername
msgbox mail.body
msgbox mail.senton
end if
end sub

I will appreciate any help