Sort of a confusing announcement from long-time Mac (and NeXT — we’re talking really long-time) developer Circus Ponies:
After 13 years in business, Circus Ponies has gone to that greatAlphabet company in the sky. It was a good run, but we aredone (as in no longer in business).
My Little Pony Circus Fun is a free game online at Swoomy.Net, have a good time!

- Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Circus Ponies NoteBook 4 Download at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
- Circus Ponies Software, Inc., Santa Monica, CA. Circus Ponies NoteBook is the.electronic. notebook that helps you take great notes, manage any project, and stay super organized.
If you need a copy of NoteBook 4.0 (3.x and earlier don’t run onOS X El Capitan) or need technical support, you can try sending ane-mail to [email protected] There’s a chance someone willrespond but no guarantees.
Best of luck.
I don’t understand the clause “that great Alphabet company in the sky”. The app is clearly dead, but is developer Jayson Adams going to work at Google? Or is it just an excuse for the Alphabet parody page now at “”?
NoteBook exemplified peak skeuomorphism: page curls, lined notebook paper background — it even had spiral rings along the side of the window. Crazy days. The history of the app is interesting. Ted Goranson covered it in his outliner column for About This Particular Macintosh back in May 2004:
A particular background is always mentioned in this context: onceupon a time there was a much admired NeXT notebook outliner called“NoteBook,” from Millennium Software. At some point, the twoprincipals left and started their own companies, those we seehere. Jayson Adams is the man behind Circus Ponies NoteBook; ScottLove heads AquaMinds and NoteTaker.
Both seem to have kept the rights to the original NoteBook codeand certainly some NeXT code has been brought forward, but Isuspect it to be a small portion in each case.
Circus Ponies Notebook 4 1
Most prospective users might think this indicates that theproducts are as similar as they initially appear. But considerthat these two developers quarrelled severely enough to get adivorce. Presumably they differed on fundamental aspects of thenotebook and the philosophies behind it. I think this is the case,because under the similar skins are two different religions.
NoteTaker, for what it’s worth, is still around, but the app hasn’t been updated since 2013, and the user manual hasn’t been updated since July 2012.
Circus Ponies Notebook 4
(Also: How great is it that ATPM had a regular column dedicated to outliners?)
Circus Ponies Notebook 4 Download
★ Wednesday, 6 January 2016