Apple Ibooks Author 2.6.1


IBooks Author (iBA) is an e-book authoring application by Apple Inc. Books created with iBooks Author export as '.ibooks' files and can be published to the Apple iBooks Store, or they may be exported as PDF. Apple released iBooks Author on January 19, 2012 at an education-focused special event in New York City.

Apple Ibooks Author 2.6.1


The author describes five types of enterprise agglomerations, and multiple industrial cluster effects. 2.6.1 Trajectory Data 39. Created in iBooks Author and specifically designed for Apple devices, Multi-Touch books (.ibooks) provide numerous possibilities to interact with the reader through photo galleries, videos, interactive diagrams, 3D objects, quizzes, and more. Multi-Touch books are designed to create immersive and memorable experiences with textbooks, cookbooks.

May 08, 2020 It has been updated since Apple renamed the service from iBooks to just Books back in 2018, but not noticeably so. Apple's iBooks Author is currently on version 2.6.1, and that update came a year ago. IBooks Author Pages. Creating books in Pages can be done on both macOS and iOS. You can make the same rich, interactive books as usual using a variety of templates created by Apple designers.

  • I might have to look at this. This morning, fed up with How Amazon treats its customers, workers, the environment, and on and on I pulled all of my books off of Amazon. So I’m looking for a new platform. This kight be the way to go, but it’s not the only one.
  • I might have to look at this. This morning, fed up with How Amazon treats its customers, workers, the environment, and on and on I pulled all of my books off of Amazon. So I’m looking for a new platform. This kight be the way to go, but it’s not the only one.

    Interesting that if you want to join KDP Select, you can't publish your book on any other platform. And they said Apple was fixing the market.
  • I have no idea why they carry on with iBooks Author. They haven't even bothered to update the name.
    And yes, Vellum is the easiest way to put a great looking book on Apple Books, Kindle and Print. No idea why it didn't get a spot on their site.
    edited May 2020
  • Hey Apple: iBooks Author is DOA. Kindle runs on everything. Your platform is too much trouble for a very small market.
  • Vellum is the most over-hyped style-over-substance app I've ever seen in the publishing industry. And at $200? Laughable. It's truly been created for the Apple fan.
    Scrivener for Mac or Windows absolutely annihilates it. Scrivener does everything Vellum can do as well as being a full WP. And it costs a fraction of Vellum.
    edited May 2020
  • Until Apple allows purchased books to be “device assignable” as apps are via MDM, schools will not be purchasing eBooks (which is a shame). The requirement to purchase a book for each student each year is far too exuberant. If we purchase a paper book, we can use the book year after year. If we purchase an eBook, it belong to the student and cannot be re-used, even though the student will never use it again.
    Change that, and education would be purchasing all their books electronically.
  • The Books app is killing print books for me. I buy printed books mainly to support bookshops, give as gifts, or to share them. Half my book-buying budget goes for e-books, and that's in EPub format whenever it is an option. I do buy books on Kindle, but only if I can't find them elsewhere in EPub format. I read them in Apple's Books app. That's entirely separate from iBooks Author; I'm talking about consumption here. I think William Gallagher (OP) undercounts that, thinks printed books still and will forever dominate. iBooks Author is a very sad afterthought; I think this promotion is about getting books onto the store that Apple Books accesses. I'm all for that.
  • While I am mainly using Apple‘s hardware, I simply have no use for reference books I can‘t open on my work PC. Literature, which remains relevant for much longer, I do prefer in print anyhow. Apple could deliver the first usable ePub reader for Windows (the existing ones are a nightmare), or a browser-based Books app. Then I would buy a lot from them. As is, I see no point to pay Apple‘s book prices (which are almost always way higher than the alternatives) for something I can‘t even read where I want.
  • I might have to look at this. This morning, fed up with How Amazon treats its customers, workers, the environment, and on and on I pulled all of my books off of Amazon. So I’m looking for a new platform. This might be the way to go, but it’s not the only one.

    Interesting that if you want to join KDP Select, you can't publish your book on any other platform. And they said Apple was fixing the market.
    There are those of us who, with reason, rejected the idea Apple was fixing the market. That charge was leveled at the publishers whom they said conspired to rig prices. Apple only had a clause in their contract required its publishers to agree not to undercut them. Bad requirement, but addressing Amazon, which was engaging in a different activity that should have had anti-trust attention. So a consent decree removing that clause would have fixed Apple. Amazon was selling books at a loss, dumping books to drive its competition out of the market entirely. Should have landed on them for that anti-competitive activity like a flipping megaton of bricks, but no, it was pro-consumer. Yes, e-books should be cheaper. The way Amazon went about that should have been considered illegal. That's what anti-trust law was *for*.
  • Vellum is the most over-hyped style-over-substance app I've ever seen in the publishing industry. And at $200? Laughable. It's truly been created for the Apple fan.
    Scrivener for Mac or Windows absolutely annihilates it. Scrivener does everything Vellum can do as well as being a full WP. And it costs a fraction of Vellum.
    Well, if buying cheap is your main driver (which it obviously is because you mentioned it twice) then it’s not for you.
    But back to reality: even Keith Blount, Scrivener's creator says that its final output may need polishing in another app.
    Because it’s not a typesetting app, it often leaves orphaned lines hanging on their own, or worse, leaves a blank page you can’t get rid of. You could spend ages adjusting text to get the final output right, then you add one word and you have to go through the whole process again.
    Aside from giving you a really nice looking book in ePub, Mobi and Print, without having to work through ten dialog screens, Vellum also makes subtle adjustments to the spacing to avoid the widow/orphan problems you get with Scrivener.
    Scrivener is great as a simple word processor and fantastic as an organisational tool, but for me, the final layout isn’t polished enough.
  • I have always thought Books was just another one of those products Apple launches with great fanfare and then forgets about, for years. So this is a bit of a surprise. So updating any tool that might get more books on there is a plus.
    to make it really desirable though, it should make it possible to offer the books in a format that could look great regardless of the platform. Make it the book authoring tool. Be aimed at being the best at content creation, not a vehicle to try to promote uptake of the Apple Bookstore. Aim at making the best books to make money, not make books to make the best money.
    As a reader of e-books, I have continued to use it, but to be honest there are some features of the kindle app that just make quite good to use, and you can often find the book is cheaper on amazon, and more likely to be available. The Books app is good too, and a blend of both would be great.
    If the book on both are the same price I will buy the Books version to encourage its use by authors, but my observation is that overall the library for the kindle app is better (including particularly the prime reading feature), except for one thing: you have to exit the app and go to amazon to buy a book. Which sucks, but on the plus side the reviews of readers are much more accessible.
    edited May 2020
  • In my part of the world, Apple Books is not even an option since they don't offer the Book Store (other than Free/Public Domain books). Kindle eBooks are also pretty much no-go since Amazon does not offer Kindle for sale either. The only viable options are Google Play Books and Rakuten Kobo (which I have not used). Considering that iTunes and the App Store has been operating for the longest time now, I don't understand why Apple didn't push for wider reach for their Book Store to the region.
    edited May 2020
  • Even with this push, I cannot see Apple challenging the dominant distributors of text-based books.
    However, Apple could ‘own’ the image/media-rich book market – a premium space with no effective competition – covering a wide range of subjects from gardening and cooking to art, design and photography.
    The iPad is the unchallenged reader for this market. With work, the Apple Books store could be an efficient outlet, and an author/publisher friendly space. While iBooks Author has potential to be ‘the’ publishing software for such image/media-rich books.
    Mid last year, to try to quantify publisher/creator interest in image-rich books, I put ‘photography’ into the Apple Books search bar. Then noted the ‘Made for iBooks’ titles as they will be created in iBooks Author. Allocating each of these titles to its year of publication gave:
    2011 – 1 title – someone really got out of the blocks fast
    2012 – 125 titles
    2013 – 47
    2014 – 30
    2015 – 10
    2016 – 5
    2017 – 1
    2018 – 2
    2019 – 1 – to mid year
    The larger totals may be out by one or two units.
    These numbers reflect my experience. Initial excitement at the potential for using ibooks Author to create amazing image/media-rich books to read on iPads. Then, ongoing frustration in using the software to create books.
    William is kind in his description of iBooks Author. The software’s fundamental structure is geared to long-form text-based books, yet its strength (and positioning by Apple) is for producing image and media-rich titles. As a result it is near useless for either task. After eight years there are still no layers, a new page can only be added at the end of a chapter. You cannot link or unlink text boxes. Nor rearrange pages. Audio only plays on one page. The list goes on.
    Creating image and media-rich books with iBooks Author – even using templates – remains a very difficult undertaking. Design decisions and content changes that are simply achieved in traditional publishing software are extremely difficult/time consuming in iBooks Author.
    Having published several books to Apple Books using iBooks Author the most practical workflow we have developed is to create/design a title in traditional publishing software – now Affinity Publisher. With the design process complete, and all approvals obtained, the title is recreated in iBooks Author – where the multi-media elements are added. Then the file is uploaded to Apple Books.
    Only the most dedicated author/designer/publisher is going to invest that level of effort. Similarly, anyone updating their book has to battle this flawed software – my guess this is the main reason why most iBooks Author created titles are left to languish.
    The potential was exciting.
    But eight years later, I think the best we can expect is iBooks Author being left to languish as flawed software that is too complicated for general use, and too frustrating for professionals.
    Worst case, it goes the way of Aperture and Apple looses the opportunity to join with authors/designers/publishers to create and dominate a whole new book market.
    If Apple put a fraction of the effort and resources that they have committed to this push into developing iBooks Author as professional publishing software, and to supporting their content creators, they could jump-start a whole new book segment.
    Note: As a book creator outside the US, after the latest changes in payment policy in early 2019, our effective royalty rate is closer to 58%. And dealing with Apple Finance is a nightmare. If you do get a response – follow-up emails are routinely ignored – six months after promising information an issue was arbitrarily closed without that information being provided. Apple needs to put a lot more effort into supporting their non-US-based content creators – starting by returning to a friction-less/fee-less payment system.
  • I have no idea why they carry on with iBooks Author. They haven't even bothered to update the name.
    And yes, Vellum is the easiest way to put a great looking book on Apple Books, Kindle and Print. No idea why it didn't get a spot on their site.

    Good questions seeing as has really stepped up the feature set for us ePub authors on the Apple Book store. With a newer version of the ePub spec having seamless backgrounds before Chapters is the only lacking right now. They've done a fantastic job with 10.0. Lots of templates to draw from as well.
    And regarding the Apple Books app this newly updated set of resources [newer than the iTunes Producer set but still the same but more intuitively designed] it has nothing to do with this site and its resources update.

    edited May 2020
  • Vellum is the most over-hyped style-over-substance app I've ever seen in the publishing industry. And at $200? Laughable. It's truly been created for the Apple fan.
    Scrivener for Mac or Windows absolutely annihilates it. Scrivener does everything Vellum can do as well as being a full WP. And it costs a fraction of Vellum.
    I tried to use Vellum for over six months for print. There are so many shortcomings in that app. The preview window couldn't be enlarged. The styles were dated cookie cutter designs. There were many ways to offer more advanced customization, but the Vellum devs were stuck in old-school Apple attitude. 'Sorry, no.'

    I would encourage anyone looking at Vellum to invest time in MS Word or Scrivener. You can get actual original design results using those apps. Vellum showed me why it's worth hiring real designers. They say Vellum is good for ebook output, but you could also find someone on Reedsy to do a preflight check.

  • And yes, Vellum is the easiest way to put a great looking book on Apple Books, Kindle and Print. No idea why it didn't get a spot on their site.

    The cost of app is $200 (ebook only) and $250 (ebook and print). That is kind of steep for some of us who publish ebooks once in a while.
  • While I am mainly using Apple‘s hardware, I simply have no use for reference books I can‘t open on my work PC. Literature, which remains relevant for much longer, I do prefer in print anyhow. Apple could deliver the first usable ePub reader for Windows (the existing ones are a nightmare), or a browser-based Books app. Then I would buy a lot from them. As is, I see no point to pay Apple‘s book prices (which are almost always way higher than the alternatives) for something I can‘t even read where I want.

    You can always download the ebooks free of charge and free of user/device restrictions from Z-Library. You'd be surprised to see how many titles are there.
  • I have tried Apple iBook Author, Adobe InDesign, Scrivener, Vellum as well as several obscure apps for creating ebook. Many of them have serious shortcomings and are frustrating to work with due to their limitations. Sometimes, they don't export to epub properly (lot of inconsistencies in the final product). One workaround I've used a lot of times albeit one shortcoming: Microsoft Word and Calibre. I use Microsoft Word to create the draught version of ebook then export it to Calibre which in turn creates the epub, mobi, azw, etc. versions. Calibre does a very good job of creating epub versions. However, the only issue I have with Microsoft Word and Calibre is their inability to create the table of content with linkable chapters that allow the readers to jump to the selected chapters.
    While we're on the subject of Apple iBooks and Apple Books, Apple ought to be ashamed for causing the 'planned obsolesence' while promoting its committment to the environment. I learnt to my shock that any notes and highlights created in iOS devices running iOS 11 and later do not appear in macOS version of Apple iBooks app, especially High Sierra or earlier. The only indication was the pop-up warning in my iOS devices, letting me know that I would have to upgrade my Mac computer to Mojave to take advantage of 'new features' in Apple Books. In order to see them, I must upgrade my Mac computer to Mojave or Catalina, which is impossible with my nine-year-old iMac (Mid-2010) running High Sierra. My iMac is running flawlessly and marvellously so I have no reason to replace my iMac with newer ones and contribute to the environmental waste.
    P.S. Don't suggest the DOS-Dude patch for installing Mojave and Catalina in the vintage Mac. I tried it before, and my iMac couldn't display the colour correctly (Blue shows up as orange, etc.) due to ATI Radeon video card not optimised for Metal. ATI had the drivers that would address this issue, but Apple refused to certify them.
  • I have tried Apple iBook Author, Adobe InDesign, Scrivener, Vellum as well as several obscure apps for creating ebook. Many of them have serious shortcomings and are frustrating to work with due to their limitations. Sometimes, they don't export to epub properly (lot of inconsistencies in the final product). One workaround I've used a lot of times albeit one shortcoming: Microsoft Word and Calibre. I use Microsoft Word to create the draught version of ebook then export it to Calibre which in turn creates the epub, mobi, azw, etc. versions. Calibre does a very good job of creating epub versions. However, the only issue I have with Microsoft Word and Calibre is their inability to create the table of content with linkable chapters that allow the readers to jump to the selected chapters.
    While we're on the subject of Apple iBooks and Apple Books, Apple ought to be ashamed for causing the 'planned obsolesence' while promoting its committment to the environment. I learnt to my shock that any notes and highlights created in iOS devices running iOS 11 and later do not appear in macOS version of Apple iBooks app, especially High Sierra or earlier. The only indication was the pop-up warning in my iOS devices, letting me know that I would have to upgrade my Mac computer to Mojave to take advantage of 'new features' in Apple Books. In order to see them, I must upgrade my Mac computer to Mojave or Catalina, which is impossible with my nine-year-old iMac (Mid-2010) running High Sierra. My iMac is running flawlessly and marvellously so I have no reason to replace my iMac with newer ones and contribute to the environmental waste.
    P.S. Don't suggest the DOS-Dude patch for installing Mojave and Catalina in the vintage Mac. I tried it before, and my iMac couldn't display the colour correctly (Blue shows up as orange, etc.) due to ATI Radeon video card not optimised for Metal. ATI had the drivers that would address this issue, but Apple refused to certify them.
    It looks like a TOC is possible to create in Calibre, but looks a bit involved.
  • Hey Apple: iBooks Author is DOA. Kindle runs on everything. Your platform is too much trouble for a very small market.
    There are at least 400 million active iPad users. That's a hell of a market.

Ibooks Author Download

I've never used it, but have you updated or upgraded larely or what???

EtreCheck is a simple little app to display the important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard. It is meant to be used with Apple Support Communities to help people help you with your Mac.

Pastebin is a good place to paste the whole report...

Apple Ibooks Author 2.6.1 Free

Apple Ibooks Author 2.6.1 Download

Workable but harder for me to work with...the Note tool on the bottom of this editor's toolbar, as shown in the image, to copy and paste the output from EtreCheck.

Dec 7, 2019 4:11 PM